Sunday, March 2, 2008

My little Red Head + Andrew

I got an email from Nicole about her book she is writing. It's called The Little Red Heads Across America. She was actually wanting me to photograph some other little red heads in my area, but I thought she had seen Hannah Jane, my little red head. Luckily she said that she could use another red head from Louisiana so now I've got to pick some of my favorite photos of Hannah. Please let me know what your favorites are!!

This was from her Birthday, but I just love it. I'm wondering if her face looks too pink?

Another old one. This one is in Black and White on my splash page.

These are all new from today....Please comment on your favorite!!

I like the light here, but her expression looks a little angry.

I know...not in color, but it just fits her!

I wish I could have pushed her hair behind her ear so I could see more of her face, but she only did this once.

We also played with the umbrella...
Love hs little crooked smile here!

Don't forget....Please let me a comment ASAP!!!