Saturday, December 29, 2007

Prelude to a Wedding

Just wanted to share a few of my favorite images from today's session. I was invited to capture some memories before the wedding of D+K.

The bride and groom...aren't they a beautiful couple!

Under the archway + a little texture action on the photo :)

I love candids!

The family shot...

The girls ran out to the golf course to get in on a few of the photos, too!

Just the girls....look at the cute puppy!

Just means LOVE!

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your special day! You're a beautiful couple, and I wish you both the best in your life together! Enjoy your little preview!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A little view from our Christmas...

I just wanted to share a few images from Christmas at our home. We had a wonderful day with family and friends. The kids got everything they wanted from Santa, too!

A look at the toys Santa left behind...

Andrew with is new Nerf gun. This is the first year that he's been allowed to have a play gun.

Hannah and her baby. The baby has red hair and blue eyes, too!

Andrew on his new bike and wearing the Harley Davidson outfit that Grandma and Pop got him. He's such a big boy!

Showing off his skills!

Hannah is all about the make up. She loves the little vanity table, too!

Simon grabbed a shot of me in the kitchen cooking...not a sight that is seen too in the kitchen and me in a photograph :)

Andrew and D sitting down for Christmas dinner. The kiddos didn't eat much of the meal...they don't know what they're missing!

Oh....I had to share these shots of the sky today. We had a little storm and this was after everything passed. The colors are pretty much exactly the way I saw them!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Hannah

I wanted to share my photos from Hannah's Birthday. It's hard to believe that she's already 4! She's such a girly girl....she loves anything pink or frilly. She's got such a big personality and will talk to anyone. She's already starting to like boys...OMGoodness!!! She even had a crush on our friend's 13 year old son that came to her party today. She changed into a pretty dress so she could ask him to dance with her :) Looks like we're going to have a lot to look forward to when she's a teenager!

Hannah woke up ready to open her birthday presents. We let her open the one from Uncle Jeff, Aunt Shawn & Shea. She loved the purse so she had to stop and say a prayer to "Thank God for the purse she had always wanted." :)

Of course, we had to clean up before we had company...Andrew chipped in with the vacuuming.

The mamarazzi had to have a little photo shoot with the birthday girl.

My beautiful girl...

She had to show off her dance moves...

She's getting pretty good, too....look at those toe points!

She loves dancing on her toes....

Here's the cake....She requested a pink cake with pink frosting and pink sprinkles and pink flowers...notice a trend :)

Well...she didn't actually get to blow out the candles. The wind did that for her, but we still pretended. I don't think she minded, though.

The cookies...I saw these on Jessica Claire's blog, and I had to make them. It ended up being harder than I had planned, but aren't they too cute!!

Oh...this is "Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer". She danced to that song in her dance class, and now she loves it. She's even learned all the words. "Then one froggy Christmas eve..."

The story with crown....she said that when she had it on she was the princess so she could do whatever she wanted to. Well...just once....It's my party and I'll cry if I want to :) She got over it really quickly, though.

Some old friends even got to come to the party! This is Mr. E and his Little Sister S. Isn't she such a cutie pie!! Hannah and E used to be boyfriend/girlfriend :) They'd even hold hands in the stroller together.
Well...It's hard to believe that Christmas Eve is tomorrow. Well...actually now since I'm blogging so late :) Time sure flies by! That's one of the best reasons I love my job...When everything settles down, I can sit down and relive these moments through my photographs.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2007

A Christmas Session & Just sharing

Just wanted to catch up with some blogging. I know the holidays tend to fly by, but I wanted to make sure to document some cool new first for my kiddos. But first, I'll start off by sharing a recent family session.

Love this shot!

The family card...

Here's the first I was telling you about....No training wheels!!

Our Christmas tree as see from the window...isn't it pretty :)

The kiddos with my new flash....

This was taken in Henderson, hometown. We have a beautiful, historic downtown square area.

Another first...Andrew learning to shoot the BB gun...

Then Hannah found out and had to go see...

Hannah trying to convince Pop to let her do it, too...

Andrew had to show Harley his BB gun...

A close up of Harley...He loved all the freedom of running around in the country!

Well...I showed you the dog so you might as well see the guinea pigs, too :) Sarge & Ron.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! I'll update you more after Christmas.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Marine Band Toys for Tots Concert

The kids and I went to watch the Marine Band and their Daddy last night at the Northshore Harbor Center in Slidell. The band put on a great show! Here are some of the highlights of the show.

Hannah entertained the crowd before the show began.

The big band performs....

The drum line special...

There's Simon!

They sing, too....

Santa even came to the show. Hannah made sure to tell him that she wants a laptop computer for Christmas :)

Want to see more? Check out my flickr page....use the link on the side of this page. And, don't for get to support the Toys for Tots foundation!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Featured Kids from Today's Minis

First off, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Melissa Young for allowing me use her dance studio to hold my sessions today & also to her mother Mrs. Margaret!! You guys rock!!

I had a fun day photographing all the kiddos dressed up for Christmas! It was a lively bunch and made for some cute shots.

I'm sharing a lot because it was hard to find just a few to feature :) So let's get started...

This is little Miss M and a serious expression...
And now a beautiful smile

One, two, three...TIMBER!! That was the game :)
This was taken just one second before the timber part.
Some fun, goofy faces from Mr. S & Miss M
I love this...

This is the beautiful little Miss K
She loved the Christmas puppy...

Such sweet siblings...Mr. B & Miss H
Hugs and all...