Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mini Session - June Balloons

I finally got the my kids and my friend's little boy out to the levee for some shots with the balloons! The kids had a blast! This session is going to be fun and easy for all! Since I'll need to shoot in the evening just before sunset, I'm going to make this session available for whole month of June. Just email me at to book a date that fits into your schedule.

I can't wait to get these printed big for my house!! This photo has a cool texture action that I think makes it look really cool and artsy :)

We saw this really cool orange tractor that Andrew had to have his photo made with.
Just a fun silhouette of Andrew...

PJ was having fun running down the big hill!

Another shot of my two babies...I'm in love with this one!

Here's the gang at the end of the session...

Hannah making it know that she is DONE! It was too much to ask for her to sit by her brother :)

She really is a sweet girl....I promise :)

This one looks innocent to me...

Here's Christy and PJ...How cute are they?!

Peek-a-boo...where's PJ?

Goofy, I know, but I still like it!

Wow...he's such a big boy now!

Just a little artsy shadow huh?

My baby girl....this was shot on top of the levee...

I want a large canvas of this one, too!!

She likes to pose for me...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

May Mini Sessions - Part 2

As is the second part of the preview from today's mini sessions. I'm so happy to have such a great turn out! You guys are awesome!

Here's a sweet, newly engaged couple...Don't the boots totally ROCK!

I know I made you guys to this one lots of times, but I love the end result!

Check out that rock... :)

Can we say "Cover Model"...Hello Baby Gap!

The whole family...

This little one made me work for these smiles...

...but it was so worth it! Isn't she adorable!

May Mini Sessions - Part 1

Wow...What a hot and steamy day! This is only the first part of the previews I'm showing tonight. These were all from this morning. It was definitely cooler this AM, but the humidity was something fierce! It took a good 20 minutes for my camera lens to stop fogging over.

I hope you all found a cool way to spend the day. The kids and I went to the pool twice - once after the morning sessions and again after the afternoon sessions!

Here's what you're waiting to see....the photos.............

Mr. Martin of Martin's Garden Center was kind enough to host this mini session for me...

Okay Mrs. Twin Mom...I'm sorry, but I can't tell the girls apart :). You'll have to let me know if these are both of the girls or just!

I'll have more up late tonight from the afternoon sessions so stay posted!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Children's Museum...

The kids and I had a fun day at the Children's Museum today with our friends. It was a rainy day all day long so it was great that they had a chance to play and get out some energy!

I've been wanting to shoot these blue doors for a long time now...PJ wore the perfect shirt for it without even knowing :)...
This is his superman pose...

Just a fun storyboard showcasing the doors and our little superhero...
Hannah's turn being the model...

I love that you can see Andrew in the background...

Andrew how to show me how high his Lego plane could fly...

This spiderman forgot his custom...

Bubble fun...

Shopping time....This is Hannah's favorite thing to do at the LCM!

This huge sofa is a new part of their Mexican exhibit. HOW COOL!

Maybe one of my favorites of the day...Love it!

Last one...Hannah riding on a little bike...

Don't forget about May Flowers!! Rain or shine - There's plenty of places to shoot during the rain :). I do have a few cancellation so if you've been waiting until the last minute go ahead and give me a call tonight. 504.342.4759.

Friday, May 16, 2008

It's been a while...

since I posted last, but I wanted to let everyone know that I still have a few openings for the May Flowers Mini sessions. Oh...and if you haven't seen it, yet....Hannah's on TV! Well...actually just my ad for the mini sessions is on cable channel 10. It looks like I'll have to feature Andrew next month :).

And I do need to post a photo...

This is one of my favorites of Hannah...

And here's something to look forward too...This will be something like I'll be doing for June. It'll be for military only or anyone else with base access.