Thursday, May 22, 2008

Children's Museum...

The kids and I had a fun day at the Children's Museum today with our friends. It was a rainy day all day long so it was great that they had a chance to play and get out some energy!

I've been wanting to shoot these blue doors for a long time now...PJ wore the perfect shirt for it without even knowing :)...
This is his superman pose...

Just a fun storyboard showcasing the doors and our little superhero...
Hannah's turn being the model...

I love that you can see Andrew in the background...

Andrew how to show me how high his Lego plane could fly...

This spiderman forgot his custom...

Bubble fun...

Shopping time....This is Hannah's favorite thing to do at the LCM!

This huge sofa is a new part of their Mexican exhibit. HOW COOL!

Maybe one of my favorites of the day...Love it!

Last one...Hannah riding on a little bike...

Don't forget about May Flowers!! Rain or shine - There's plenty of places to shoot during the rain :). I do have a few cancellation so if you've been waiting until the last minute go ahead and give me a call tonight. 504.342.4759.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have I told you lately, You are the BEST!!!!!!!