Saturday, May 2, 2009

My babies are growing up! [Belle Chasse Children's Photographer]

It's hard to believe how fast they are really growing. When I look at old photos of them, I can still remember the day we took those just like yesterday. They were both such chunky little balls when they were babies. Really...9 1/2 pounds! And now they've slimmed up so much...loosing all that baby fat and looking more and more like a big kid.

Here's some old snap shots so you can see the difference...

These shots were from Hawaii...Hannah was just about to turn 1 and Andrew was 3

This is when we first moved into our first house in Virginia...
Hannah was about 1.5 & Andrew was 3.5
See those baby faces and all the chub :). I still see them like this until I look at a photo and realize that they're both changing so quickly.

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