Monday, July 13, 2009

Over due update [Belle Chasse Children's Photographer]

Sorry for neglecting the blog lately. This summer has kept our family so busy! It's a good thing, but it just seems like there's never enough hours in the day. Here's a little glimpse into our summer so far.

We still do homeschool, but we are taking a lot more breaks than we normally would.
Here's Hannah writing her -at words on the new white board.

Andrew got a crazy, fun cut for the summer!

The 4th of July was fun. We went out by the levee and popped some fire crackers. We were safe, too...notice the fire extinguisher :)

Oh...and I can't leave out the month of June. Andrew swam for the base swim team.

He was at the pool 4 days a week for the whole month!

And a little recent work to throw in...My friend was nice enough to bring her baby over and model for me. I had image in my mind, and it was nice to get to create it with her.

Oh...I forgot mention that Andrew had music camp for two weeks last month. He had a blast learning to play the guitar, drums and piano! I've also just finished up taking an online course. I'm trying to finish up my bachelor's degree. It actually seems really close that's exciting! But...oh my goodness...Let me tell you how crazy a 5 week course was with everything else going on! I did finish it, though. I made a strong B. Still a little upset it wasn't an A because of all the time I put into it, but a B is still good. We've also had visitors this summer! My cousin and her family came down, and we had fun exploring New Orleans together. Then, Simon's parents came down for his PROMOTION!! Did you hear that...Simon got promoted!! We are all so excited that he picked up Gunny!!!
Well...I'm sure I've left something out :), but you're caught up for the most part. Stay tuned for more of our summer adventures :). When this heat starts to cool off, I'll have more sessions available, too!

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